
Monday, September 19, 2011


I do not understand the logic behind the "regulated levels" of carcinogenic and harmful chemicals.

For instance, parabens are known to mimic estrogen - a hormone by which if you have too much, you can develop breast lumps or even cancer. If men have it - it can make them effeminate. Parabens happen to be the most common preservative in chemical personal care products. (Go check: soaps, lotions, makeup, shampoo, deodorant, etc.)

In defense of the manufacturing companies, they would say that this ingredient is used in regulated levels. But how can you objectify "regulated levels"? Do these manufacturing companies compute for how much you put on your skin? Do they research on the consumer behavior - if you just use shampoo? Or if you use conditioner all the time? Or if you use lotion after taking a bath? Or if you use deodorant? Or if you use layers of make-up? Or if you use toothpaste?

Besides, what are regulated levels, if we are talking about bio-accumulative ingredients?

And if these things are harmful, why do we use them?

Isn't it just convenient to manufacture products that can be preserved upto 5 years on the shelf?

I really wonder, we know Parabens are bad, though degree of how bad it is would be debatable. But isn't it logical that if little bad things add up, you have a bigger problem?

Let it be represented as this:
-0.1 = regulated levels

-0.1 = parabens in shampoo
-0.1 = parabens in conditioner
-0.1 = parabens in feminine wash
-0.1 = parabens in soap
-0.1 = parabens in toothpaste
-0.1 = parabens in deodorant
-0.1 = parabens in perfume
-0.1 = parabens in lotion
-0.1 = parabens in hand sanitizer
-0.1 = parabens in make-up
-1.0 = regulated levels in one day?

-1.0 = prabens in Monday routine
-1.0 = parabens in Tuesday routine
-1.0 = parabens in Wednesday routine
-1.0 = parabens in Thursday routine
-1.0 = parabens in Friday Routine
-1.0 = parabens in Saturday Routine
-1.0 = parabens in Sunday Routine
-7.0 = regulated levels in a week?

-30.0 = regulated levels in a month?

-365.0 = regulated levels in a year?

-1600.0 = In four years, is that a tumor already?

Of course, them big companies with stock holders have profitability as their best interest.

Maybe a great packaging? Maybe a classy branding?

Maybe a celebrity endorser will do the trick?

Maybe putting the ingredients in font size 5.

People aren't really discerning nowadays. "Besides, my brother is a doctor. He needs to have patients to cure once in a while."